We are human beings; we are so quick to judge others. The other way is to judge their actions, which is right to do. Traits and flaws were spelt in the ridges and bumps of a head, and those who knew the ancient art of phrenology were able to read them, like braille. I disagree with their attitude. They then develop a socially based view on their appearance rather than an individually based one. Looking for quotes about judging others? There is no need to risk oneself just to determine whether a person/ object is harmful to you. your thinking of superficial, meaning that you judge on how people look. like if you know they have a god personality or something, but they dont like them because of what they look like. Women are bombarded with a constant stream of social networks and media paraphernalia telling them how to look and how to act. Superficial judgement. In life there is always two sides to a coin and a situation. Find more ways to say judging, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. So.... First impressions are made when you first see someone but haven't heard them speak or know anything about them. … Next time you hear others mocking the way someone looks, don't encourage it or laugh. The appearance tells a lot about a person. Prejudice means that you judge based on race. This experience is what cause Jayathi to take up this bad-girl persona in hopes to find herself. Facial appearance can translate to judgments of character. Sadly, people often mistake what the Bible actually says about judging others by misapplying one of these truths. Urban dictionary says 'beautist' is the word you're looking for... How do you think about the answers? So let's discuss using myself for the examples, since I'm the only one I can see inside of (until I sell enough seeds to get me some X-ray specs, anyway). Home — Essay Samples — Sociology — Physical Appearance — Discussion On Whether We Should Judge People By Their Appearance This essay has been submitted by a student. Prejudging is probably what you're looking for. One way is to judge their motives, which is sinful. We all are human and we all should be treated equal. Find another word for judge. They try so hard to be flawless when no one can be perfect. There was another Positive Precept of Moses which these judges were forgetting, though it, too, formed part of the first section of the Law read at … The person who sits next to you on the bus doesn't know anything about you except what you look like so they judge you on that, and unfortunately their reaction could be less than kind. While at the same time it can also bring down self-esteem on some girls because they might feel like they do not fit in and the only way to fit in is if they follow the trend. Once upon a time, long, long ago, there were prophets so wise they could tell a man’s character just by looking at the shape of his skull. Posted Jun 11, 2012 We all know that looks matter. Get your answers by asking now. A first impression is a lasting impression. I wonder if there is a word or a few words or phases that describe a person very often: judge a person based on one or two tiny details or critise harshly over small mistakes that one made (probably by accident) ignore the reason behind the details or the mistakes. While displaying some good qualities, media has an overall negative impact on women by creating problems such as a desire for conformity, eating disorders, and body dissatisfaction. John 7:24 - Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. People review your visual and behavioral appearance from head to toe. If somebody lies to you, you have the right to call them a liar. Nonetheless, when Jesus was on earth, he commanded: “Stop judging by the outward appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” ( John 7:24 ) Clearly, Jesus wants us to be like him and not judge others by their outward appearance. Just because someone looks or dresses a certain way, people assume that is how they are. A study showed that “Girls are more focused on their looks than what they eat or how much they exercise.” (McBride 2) and rarely mention the importance of being smart, sophisticated, funny and/or possessing many other positive attributes that have nothing to do with physical attributes” (Sparhawk 1). 1 Samuel 16:7 - But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for [the LORD seeth] not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. Beauty is now something that needs to be bought or attained, and is no longer a natural attribute. To judge blindly implies that you judge someone without having enough information. Judge: a person who … Instead, put a stop to it. 123Helpme.com. It’s the subconscious part of our mind that makes judgments of the people around us who may be your friends or someone you have never seen before. judging definition: 1. present participle of judge 2. to form, give, or have as an opinion, or to decide about…. I was told I had a positive FISH test for my urine. Women are striving for an unattainable body figure that is portrayed by the media as being the ideal standard for today's women. Another word for judging. “One of the easiest things in life is to judge others. There are a few factors that we know. By showing what a girl should look like, the mass media is damaging the body images of young girls, and unless awareness is raised, could become more and more adverse on young women today and tomorrow. But in the world we live in, where society’s opinions matter, we can’t help but to judge people by their appearance and behavior. External appearance often does not tell us anything about a person. The importance of physical appearance is encouraged at an early development for most girls. When they can 't afford, they will find some shortcuts to achieve their goals. Perfectionists tend to judge every person they meet in their lives. I believe that some of the feelings from “The Beauty Myth” are still true in today’s society, but on the other hand I believe that it should not have to be this way. Judging others by their appearances To see is to believe. Actresses often accredit not getting a role in a film to not being skinny enough. They don’t admit … This even shows up in the magazines women read. Have you ever looked at someone and judged them by their appearance? One of the simplest things we can ever do is to … No one is perfect. What does that mean? When judging someone based on their looks or first impression, many times personality can change someone’s opinion. Women become so engulfed in the idea of becoming beautiful that they soon believe that nothing on its own can be beautiful. Learn more. A person with bad appearances but good performance will more likely be promoted than another one with good appearances but bad performance. To make matters worse, all too often that actress is already too skinny and yet she still strives to lose more weight. In other words, the media’s use of unrealistic women sends a hidden message that in order for women to be beautiful they must be unhealthy. Don't feel the need to chime in and make comments yourself. 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Their families, the media, the community, their emotional reactions all play a huge part in a child’s self-image. The most common way for teenage girls purchasing brand-name handbag is sex trade. In today’s society it seems as though women are forced into being something that they are not. All we can do is speculate. Tall people get paid more money: A 2004 study by Timothy Judge at the University of Florida found that for every inch of height, a tall worker can expect to … Some people know me as the “Nice guy” In fact; I am not People discriminate against others because they base their judgment off appearance. (24) Judge not according to the appearance.--He has put the case before them in its true light, I and from their own point of view. Judging People based on their appearance only disadvantage people mind-set beliefs. A person should be considered by his characteristics, not by his outsides.It is the truth that one's appearances were shapped by his … Judging a person does not define who they are, it defines who you are. I believe that women’s feeling that they have to look like something they are not are brought on by advertisements like this one and many other things. Some teenage girls receive this message even they can 't afford the price of those handbag. Girls want to be deemed beautiful by society so badly that they will conform to any idea presented by the media (Piercy). However, if you judge people based on their actions rather than words - that is a more noble cause. It’s one of the reasons why we often misjudge people based on their appearance, we see their outlook as a reflection of their personality or on how they live their lives. To judge is to form an opinion or come to a conclusion about someone, and according to Scripture, Jesus had a great deal to say about judgement. Discrimination is a practice to judge others based on their person beliefs. What most of us don’t understand is just … There is only a certain part of me that people observe and judge me by in my everyday life. That is judging someone, but it is a fair judgment. There are many areas in which people are judge others such as appearance, beliefs, race and religion. Synonyms for judging include judgement, judgment, deciding, reaching a decision, arbitration, decision, finding, settlement, conclusion and ruling. How the outfit they are wearing is definitely something you would never wear. People lie to themselves and others to preserve their self-image for reasons that are unknown to the outside world. Throughout history, people judge on the basis of their looks, appearances, and even for who they are because of society’s stereotypes and media. When the mass media only shows one type of body as desirable, they are alienating every girl who does not fit into that category. In business, a boss would never judge his employee by their external appearances; instead what he concerns would be their capability, their assiduity, and their performance. Prejudging means to judge someone/something before knowing or having enough information (the prefix pre- also indicates that). All rights reserved. Another word for appearance: look, face, form, air, figure | Collins English Thesaurus So they try to create the appearance that would please the. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Here we have a collection of some inspirational bible quotes on judging people and judgemental sayings (with images, pictures). 2. i cant think of it and its annoying me. Most people judge the people just by looking at their appearances because that's the first thing visible to us. A person would be said to be shallow if that person judges others more on appearance than on personality or accomplishment. Cambridge English dictionary defines it as: Obviously, the media’s representation of the thin ideal connects to the majority of body dissatisfaction and eating disorders. Although she goes against this she is not in control of her identity because her new immediate social context that shapes her. The Bible states that there are two ways to judge others. Bell states Jayanthi’s bad-girl mentality allowed her “to control her identity, rather than having it controlled by either her family or the men she encountered” (34). Similarly, Jesus says in John 7:24, "Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly." For these reasons, the connection between media and body image is very important because low body image will lead to eating disorders and potentially death. Look for basic goodness. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. The same problem of buying the cosmetics. Girls are basically told from the beginning that in order to be “successful like Barbie” you need to have a small waist, a big chest, skinny legs, and little, perfect “heel-fitted feet.” Images like this allow for women to participate in harmful acts, such as plastic surgery, anorexia, and bulimia, in order to become what they “should be.” Women are so concerned with having that perfect figure, they are no longer able to see themselves for who they truly are, which in some cases isn 't as bad as they make it to be. Judging a person by his appearances is not usually a right deed. Women see pictures in magazines and they believe to be accepted by everyone else they need to look like an air-brushed image. Furthermore, I am more than what meets their eyes. Also, we could have some bad remembrances relating with the certain appearance and sometimes it’s difficult to overcome them. Judging someone by their physical appearance is similar to how bees select flowers to collect pollen from. 57 synonyms of judge from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 77 related words, definitions, and antonyms. No matter how hard you watch people you can never actually see them, is the point here, and we all know to not judge by appearances, but the reasons are less obvious than you'd assume. Pushing these ideal bodies onto teenage girls at an important developmental time in their lives can be detrimental to their bodies and their self worth. "I kidnapped her in order to save her, so that they would not kidnap her before me and harm her. So not only should Christians judge other believers, they should also discipline them based on those judgments. Jayanthi believes that she is finding herself by changing her social context, but in reality she 's becoming a product of her new environment. A bee collects pollen from more vibrantly coloured flowers, we don't put our hands on blades because they look like they can hurt us. The first man she had feelings for, played her and after she “vowed not to be played by a man again” (32). They will then take drastic measures to lose weight. You can sign in to vote the answer. In most. Surgeries and “life style change” diets are now the only solutions to being considered beautiful. By pushing an ideal body type that is uncommon and untrue to life, girls strive, and struggle to obtain this image. It's impossible to know for sure if judging people is a necessary evil or not. It's called prejudice, but if you're talking about if you think someone has a 'god personality,' that's called egotistical. Another reason why I affirm this claim is because, movies, magazines, music videos, fashion, and social media put a pressure on girls, to have the “perfect” body. Media has a heavy influence on women’s perception of themselves and conforming to the world has grown into a normal occurrence. Don't Apply a Double-Standard Still have questions? is there a proper way to pronounce 'Christmas'.? Judging someone by their appearance is misleading, reinforces stereotypes, and is limiting. (Essay ID: 84 ) Essay 3 Some people judge a person only by his or her external appearances. Doing so could prevent you from making a true friend. People who struggle to fit in don’t want to be “that” person. People judge automatically, within the first three seconds of a new encounter, even if it is just a glance. We cannot judge either of the feelings or of the characters of men with perfect accuracy from their actions or their appearance in public; it is from their careless conversations, their half-finished sentences, that we may hope with the greatest probability of success to discover their real characters. This takes practice, as our minds naturally scan for the negative, but if we … Copyright © 2000-2020. Which sentences sound more natural to you? Many women go through life trying to make themselves something they are not by means of expensive surgery, expensive clothes and makeup, expensive hairstyles, etc. First impressions are made when you first see someone but haven't heard them speak or know anything about them. This is why I am saying that beauty advertisement messages might harmful for the society. Clearly, Jesus expects us to judge, but simply wants us to judge correctly, using proper standards. I believe it’s not right to judge people by their exterior because you could miss the chance to meet with very interesting humans and make useful acquaintances. A person would be said to be shallow if that person judges … ". 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