As you know, when you get your students to connect what they are learning to something that they already know, there is a better chance that they will understand it better and remember it longer. However, as students get a better grasp of how to use each strategy, you can then begin to invite them to share their own thinking. Just like on special occasions, when we read we can take pictures in our mind to help us better understand and remember that part of the story. Does this topic remind you of anything or sound familiar to you. Lack of achievement NAEP statistics from 1992 to It would be unrealistic to expect that every strategy is needed in every text. Comprehension strategies are routines and procedures that readers use to help them make sense of texts. Here are a few favorites. Then you can direct them to the section of books that you think they will be best suited for. Strategies for Reading Instruction The second stage is to list a series of questions of what you want to know more of the subject, based upon what you listed in K. Preview the text’s table of contents, headings, pictures, charts etc. Teachers can demonstrate their own think-aloud or interactive elements and focus intentionally on the meaning “within the text,” “about the text,” and “beyond … Things like a tent, matches for lighting a fire, and a sleeping bag are all super important for camping. Sometimes we have to use the information that the author gives us plus our own background knowledge to infer what the author is really trying to say. I figured out what it is that we're missing last week. Visualizing:  Do you have a family photo album at home? Many teachers can confidently say that they have not come across a student that didn’t like to use technology. You can compare the strategies to more concrete ideas, as needed. When we read, our thinking is like the water ripples. Remember, you will be coming back to them again and again, so a detailed explanation is not needed at this time. Instead, readers use whichever strategy will best support their comprehension at any given time. Check out this sample from my Inferring LINKtivity: From there, students explore the reading strategy as they read alongside a virtual “reading buddy” that models the strategy for them. This makes the development of proficient reading skills for primary learners even more essential — not only for their academic success but for their daily lives as well. 2. All rights reserved. Check out this post in audio form on The Classroom Commute Podcast, Constructing Meaning Through Kid-Friendly Comprehension Strategy Instruction, Click Here to Learn more about reading strategy LINKtivities, CLICK HERE to see ALL Reading Strategy LINKtivities. When you first start, you will be doing most of the work modeling the strategies. In recent years, an emphasis on higher test scores haspushed teachers to focus on best practice readingstrategies. Here are a few more questions to help students connect with their text. There are a ton … This article explores the ways in which key Reading Recovery strategies can be interwoven into primary classroom guided reading instruction to support acceleration. Well, the obvious answer is BOOKS! More than that, taking this approach also can find you at the end of the school year with a strategy or two that you just were unable to get to for one reason or another. you notice a student neglecting one or more reading strategies and heavily relying on only one or two, you notice a student misusing a strategy and you need to reteach it to help students begin using it correctly, you notice a student using a strategy in a superficial or surface level way and you want to help that student understand how to use the strategy on a deeper level or in a more authentic way. However, although research has shown explicit teaching of reading comprehension strategies to be effective, we know little about whether strategy instruction and use are part of “daily life” in classrooms (Pearson, & Cervetti, 2017). Reading aloud to students should also include stops to check for understanding. For example, ask your students what the goal of playing in any sports game is. I have already mentioned ways that you can introduce all reading strategies in a whole-class setting. Need additional ideas for teaching each reading strategy? Educators like the fact that graphic organizers enable students to visually see the connections they are reading. Like with so many things in life, careful preparation and up-front work make the act of reading much smoother and simpler. Graphic organizers are incredible teaching tools that have been used in the classroom for decades. With a classroom full of diverse learners, a graphic organizer can help to address each individual’s needs. Only model the strategies that feel natural in any particular text. Great question…a lot of reading instruction is so driven by theory, and I don’t know why. I think a post on the research base would be in order. Aside from the obvious choice of utilizing a tablet so students can read and play games within the apps, there are many other pieces of technology that can help students excel at reading. In this set of video vignettes, Virginia elementary teachers demonstrate vocabulary and comprehension strategies that can be used in elementary classrooms to promote students’ vocabulary development and comprehension skills. Reading is the single most important educational skill your students will learn. Student Grouping Strategies for Reading Instruction - Video & … To bring it all together, students show their learning through a simple recording sheet (printable or digital). Understanding the organization and meaning of text and instruction in both phonics and literature is essential to helping young children read. ), Predict what the book will be about/what you will learn, Ask yourself any questions that arise from reading the title or by observing the front cover illustration, Stop often to think aloud, sharing the strategies you are using, At first I was thinking ___ , but now I’m thinking…, Model how to check for understanding (Am I understanding what I read? If you’re brand new to the idea of LINKtivities, then this post might be helpful to help give you the bigger picture, but simply put: LINKtivities are digital interactive learning guides that allow students to explore a new concept through video, audio, graphics, and text, all at the pace and direction of the individual student. Reading Strategies for Beginning Readers - Biracial Bookworms LLC In addition to apps and websites, there are activities that you can use on your Smartboard as well. When you give students a voice and a choice, … your students have grasped the basics of using each reading strategy, but are ready to take them to the next level. When we teach our students reading strategies, we are giving students a guideline and a framework for how to think about what they are reading. It also in… Check out our Reading Comprehension Strategy Resources. 5. Adding games to your reading instruction is a great strategy to improve literacy skills. This year, I have felt my reading instruction lacked depth. (PDF) Instructional Strategies for Content-Area Reading Instruction Teaching reading strategies to help elementary students is so very important. 25 Reading Strategies That Work In Every Content Area. © 2020 K-12 Teachers Alliance. . That’s where reading comprehension strategies come in. Technology has become such an integral part of all of our lives that it would seem like a disadvantage not to use it as a reading strategy in the classroom. Teachers not only use them to help enhance the classroom curriculum but to provide students with reference and support, to teach essential language skills, and to help students learn site words and patterns. There are websites like that offer a variety of different reading games with characters the students are familiar with. Reading Recovery teachers have detailed and specific literacy training and expertise that can be of great value to classroom teachers, especially in the area of guided reading instruction. Reading strategies are super important to teach because by teaching them we show students how good readers think. For example, when explaining the visualizing strategy, you may describe it like making a movie in your mind. Do any of these characters remind you of anyone you know? This allows you to assess the students’ use and understanding of the reading strategy, as well as plan further instruction, as needed. Reading Instruction Strategies Chapter Exam Instructions. You can introduce ALL reading strategies, (ideally at the beginning of the school year) upfront and then isolated later on for additional follow-up practice. We can take the information that we are given (the baby crying) and combine it with what we already know about babies to guess, or infer, why the baby is crying. Many times teachers take the approach of only introducing a single strategy at a time and then work their way through them all throughout the year. Ask Questions:  Sometimes when I read, I catch myself saying things like “Why did he do that?”  or “I wonder what will happen next!”  Asking questions while we read helps us to interact with the book. Teachers can explain key strategies and model the types of actions students can take before, during, and after reading. This makes it more likely that they will be motivated and engaged to read the book until the end. I Am Thinking of a Word – Start with the phrase “I am thinking of a word that …” Then give students clues as to what word you are thinking of. Do not worry about using every strategy every time you read. Title: Successful Reading Instruction Strategies for English Language Learners 1 Successful Reading Instruction Strategies for English Language Learners . Cross-Curricular Literacy: Strategies for Improving Middle Level Students’ Reading and Writing Skills, Grades 6-8, pp. Students need to understand that thinking is essential to reading. By teaching only one strategy at a time, we are giving our students the idea that strong readers only use one at a time or that you only need to use one at a time in order to fully understand a story. Interactive reading strategy LINKtivities give your students engaging instruction rooted in best practices for literacy instruction. One educational expert, Nancy Boyles, author of Constructing Meaning Through Kid-Friendly Comprehension Strategy Instruction, (affiliate link)  suggests introducing all of the reading strategies at once, or in 2-3 sessions depending on the attention span of your students. We can connect what is happening in the book to our own lives, other books we’ve read, or even things going on in the world. The strategies I mentioned here are supported by so many studies. As noted before, you will want to provide students with both integrated and isolated strategy instruction. The Victorian Curriculum, F-10, provides the following account of reading and viewing: Reading and Viewing involves students understanding, interpreting, critically analysing, reflecting upon, and enjoying written and visual, print and non-print texts. Upset, right? Comprehension strategy instruction helps students become purposeful, active readers who are in control of their own reading comprehension. Most of us know that when a baby cries, he/she is usually hungry, tired, or needs a diaper change. Readers don’t spend an entire book just making connections, or just visualizing, or just predicting, etc. It keeps our minds thinking. ), Stop to check for understanding (Did you understand what you just read? Then the other students in the class ask that student questions to try and figure out the word. There are a several different graphic organizers to choose from, such as KWL charts to sequencing events. Activate Prior Knowledge. However, this teaching practice poses a problem. You may want to first begin by introducing the word “strategy” to your readers. When children care about something, they become more connected to it, which in turn helps them excel academically. There is no doubt that each student in your classroom absorbs information in a different way. From reading the mail to a food menu, to reading your text messages and email, there is no escaping it, reading is everywhere. They might make the camping trip more fun, but you could do without them, right? Your read-aloud modeling session might follow this format: Activate prior knowledge/schema (What do you already know about the topic, genre, or author? As you know, reading is a fundamental skill that we all use every day of our lives. 94, 105 Cross-Curricular Literacy: Strategies for Improving Secondary Students’ Reading and Writing Skills, pp. Even before all of the new, fancy organizers, teachers would ask their students to fold their papers in half and use the two sides to compare and contrast content. Direct, Explicit Comprehension Strategy Instruction By: U.S. Department of Education. Check out this post in the form of a podcast episode on The Classroom Commute Podcast: If you ask any group of students what makes someone a great reader, you may hear responses such as: These answers are all correct, however, we want students to understand that reading is more than just being able to read the words on the page. By doing this, you are helping students understand that the end goal is to be able to use multiple reading strategies together as needed. Unfortunately, reading can be a skill that many children struggle to master. Reading Rockets is a national multimedia project that offers a wealth of research-based reading strategies, lessons, and activities designed to help young children learn how to read and read better. These strategies stimulate both audio and visual perception, activate memory and semantic processing, enhance perception, engage syntactic knowledge and processing, teach narrative structure, and promo… That’s called predicting. Many times teachers take the approach of only introducing a single strategy at a time and then work their way through them all throughout the year. In terms of a reading strategy LINKtivity, students begin by watching an animated video introducing the reading strategy in kid-friendly terms. Research suggests that developing deep understanding of text requires sustained emphasis on reading comprehension instruction and scaffolded strategy practices. 4. 7. are solely for the purpose of boosting comprehension of the text. Use Context Clues. The water ripples start out small and then spread out to get wider and wider. After students are able to practice the reading strategy through explicit instruction using LINKtivities, they can begin to apply the strategy to their independent reading books and beyond! By understanding the prerequisite skills for reading, teachers can build a solid foundation for their students to learn and succeed in school. 266-269 Beyond Monet, pp. 20-21. Sometimes in order to really understand what the author wants us to know, we need to search for the most important information. Check out this blog series that dives deep into each strategy: What resources should you be using to teach reading strategies? When we read, the author often includes extra information that might make the book more interesting, but they aren’t super important to the story as a whole. In other words, you will need to spend some instructional time modeling how to use several strategies within a single text and some instructional time teaching each strategy in isolation for deeper understanding of that strategy. One of the best reading strategies that you can choose for your students is the ability for them to have a choice in what they read. Instead they come up with a plan, or strategy, to help them reach their goal of winning. To introduce the strategies, tell students the name of each strategy, provide a basic definition and perhaps an example of when you have used this strategy in the past. Reading strategies should be taught and applied in both whole-group, small group, and individual settings. There is also, which offers students interactive games that bring the Dr. Seuss characters to life. Your use of read-aloud texts during whole-group instruction will help your students to become familiar and comfortable with the idea of integrating multiple reading strategies in one text. This is the most effective strategy to get your students to want to read. When you first begin to model the strategies, resist the urge to go into too much detail about any one strategy while thinking aloud. You take the information that the author has already given you and make a guess, or predict what will happen next. These are often referred to as top-down reading strategies and are mainly associated with the whole language approach to reading instruction, because the focus is on the ultimate or top goal of reading: comprehension. However, this teaching practice poses a problem. Inferring:  If you see a little baby crying, I bet you can guess without a doubt how he or she is feeling. It encompasses reading and viewing a wide range of texts and media, including literary texts. 3. Either way, you have to keep reading to find out! You can also revisit a strategy as a whole class later on when your students are ready to dive deeper into a specific strategy and apply it on a new level. Our reading resources assist parents, teachers, and other educators in helping struggling readers build fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. In the same way, readers can’t just read the words on the page, they have to use strategies to help them “win” at reading, AKA: understand the text. Each LINKtivity provides students with the foundation, modeling, and authentic practice they need to build a complete understanding of each reading strategy. The beauty of isolated instruction through LINKtivities is that you can assign students the specific reading strategy LINKtivity that fits their current need. Enter in: LINKtivity Interactive Learning Guides. Start by asking questions to find out what the students interests and hobbies are. 5 Classroom Strategies for Early Reading Intervention | Lexia … Here are five of the most effective teaching strategies for reading that elementary teachers can use with their primary learners. Sometimes you’re right, and other times the author completely surprises you! ), Check to see if your questions were answered or if your predictions were correct, Share final thoughts about the story as a whole. 1. To help activate students’ prior knowledge, try asking them a few questions: “What do you know about this topic?” and “How can you relate this to your own life?” These types of questions help students personally connect to the text. When you give students a voice and a choice, then they will choose something that is of interest to them. This article includes definitions of the seven strategies and a lesson-plan template for teaching each one. Students will likely need ongoing feedback to facilitate their proficiency at using comprehension strategies. Maybe it was a family vacation or a birthday celebration. In order for all of our students to be confident readers, we as teachers can provide our students with a few effective teaching strategies for reading. This may sound overwhelming, but stay with me here. Before You Start Reading. Comprehension strategies are sets of steps that good readers use to make sense of text. A word wall is much more than just a classroom display; it’s an effective strategy that can help promote literacy for primary learners. To improve students' reading comprehension, teachers should introduce the seven cognitive strategies of effective readers: activating, inferring, monitoring-clarifying, questioning, searching-selecting, summarizing, and visualizing-organizing. Besides being a direct visual that students can reference throughout the day, teachers use word walls by incorporating various activities. Challenges Students with ADHD Face Remotely Unfortunately, with the times that we are…, Have you ever heard the quote, “You’ve gotta Maslow before you Bloom?” The…, The holiday season is a time for “peace on Earth.” One small contribution…, What are Virtual Platforms? Students must use your clues to determine what word you are thinking of from the word wall. By implementing these teaching strategies, we are giving our students the tools that can help them succeed. Predict:  Have you ever gotten to the end of a page or chapter in your book and made a guess about what you think will happen next? The video captivates students right away and gives them a solid foundation of the strategy. And when you replay that mind-movie back to yourself, it helps you better remember and understand the book. When you string those pictures together, it’s almost like you’re creating a movie in your mind! If you’re loving this interactive approach to teaching reading strategies as much as I do, check out all seven reading comprehension strategy LINKtivities to begin using in your classroom right away! You can use your guided reading/small group instruction and individual reading conferences to hone in on strategies and dive deeper to give students a stronger understanding of that strategy. This bundle makes it easy to engage your learners with authentic and interactive practice! ’ re right, and individual settings about word origins, greek and latin word,! 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