Mark Watson, “Process Not Products,” Out West 8 (August 1914): 93. “Indians and Mexicans are not highly satisfactory or efficient farm hands,” said Hall, “but they can be had in large bands in the valley. In late December of 1914, on the eve of San Diego’s first Exposition, a writer for the San Diego Evening Tribune forecasted that the Imperial Valley and Southern California, the “so-called ‘arid regions’,” were “destined to be the richest and most fertile on the earth.”53 However, the wealth and abundance created and enjoyed by regional boosters and their cohort of middle-class settlers came at a great economic and social cost. “San Diego’s Exhibit at the Panama-California Exposition,” San Diego Evening Tribune, 31 December 1914. CAPITAL: Sacremento. William F. Spilling, “The Model Farm,” San Diego Union, 31 January 1915. Commenting on the early twentieth century West, historian Donald Worster explains that the region was “only the latest in a long series of experiments in building an irrigation society.”4 San Diego’s Panama-California Exposition of 1915 promoted a vision of the American Southwest and Southern California as a region of Edenic abundance. The bungalow also symbolized the California Dream rhetoric that poured from the booster magazines. At the western base of the Coast Ranges, and on the floors of the valleys between them, is rich, deep, and characteristically fertile alluvial soil. There are more than 400 commodity crops grown across California, including a significant portion of all fruits, vegetables, and nuts for the United States. Agriculture in California's southern desert region is almost entirely dependent on water diverted from the Colorado River.The Colorado also supplies much of Southern California's drinking water, as well as providing water to six other states and Mexico. The southern tip of the valley has interior drainage and thus is not technically part of the valley at all. 35. 57. Eastern Texas 8. Yes, California is one of the most diverse states in the U.S., and many consider it a state unto itself, with assets and an economy that equals many countries. 26. Along with the increased acreage put under production every year, the Valley suffered labor shortages. This was especially true of boosterism that indicated how the “successful” participation of the small farm family in the agricultural economy would be allowed to use its bungalow for status and increased leisure. To be sure, some new middle-class residents of the Southland did successfully run farms with small acreage, yet agricultural boosters still promoted intensive-farming despite the trend of agricultural consolidation. Johnston, W.E., 2003. 21. This week we focus on the bounty of the Central Coast and Southern California. California - California - Economy: California’s economy is the largest of any U.S. state and is surpassed only by a handful of industrialized countries. From the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 to the 1910s, Anglos resigned European American immigrants, Mexicans, blacks, Asians, and Indians into a descending racial and labor hierarchy based on employment desirability and other prejudiced “cultural” criteria.58. OPEN! 63. When farmers began to experiment with what could be grown in the area’s soils, they quickly learned that the limits were few, and regional agriculture diversified as farmers planted tree fruits, row crops, and berries. (Ed.) The six-county region’s median price reached $600,000 … Central valley region. The San Diego History Center a Smithsonian Affiliate and member to the San Diego Museum Council and Balboa Park Cultural Partnership. In some ways, the agricultural boosters of this period mimicked the racial currents of the time, while selling the dream of life and abundance on the land in California. Better distribution encouraged the expansion of the agricultural sector and contributed to San Diego’s growing popularity as an area for resettlement and profitable investment. Despite the overflowing optimism agricultural boosters invested in their efforts, the consequences of excluding non-Anglos from booster writings indicates that the California Dream was an exclusive social notion, except where descriptions of non-Anglos could aid commerce or offer labor for Californian Dreams. The writer of the Exposition Prospectus assured that “in the state and county buildings are men who will explain to the visitor in detail just what he may expect from each section. 38. The Land Law of 1851 worked to disenfranchise the Californios from their ranchos, and eventually, Anglos came to hold significant portions of arable land for agriculture and grazing.56 Even further, the economic foundations of the Mission system pioneered by Spanish Franciscan priests in the late eighteenth century, from San Diego to San Francisco, had not brought Southern Californian land under maximum production. Along with such diverse terrain, each area presents with its own set of challenges and threats that affect California. 2, (May 1997): 149-184. California Agricultural Region Map near California. 2. The Southern Region geography is vast and varied with terrain consisting of valley floors, agricultural centers, watershed areas, foothill regions, mountain range areas and high desert regions. F. Weber Benton, Semi-Tropic California: Garden of the World, (Los Angeles: Benton & Co., 1914), 18-19. This racial hierarchy also followed the creation of San Diego’s agricultural utopias throughout the city’s hinterlands. 12. D.L. The enthusiasm of experts for the exhibit indicated the lingering strength of the Jeffersonian agrarian ideal in the West. From the eastern side of California at the base of the Sierra Nevadas comes Sierra Cascade Farm with blueberries and Woodleaf Farm with peaches and pome fruit. Agriculture is the practice and science of cultivating soil for growing crops to provide food, fiber, and other commodities and products for people to purchase and consume. 66. 24. 11. If California were a country, it would rank around tenth in the value of goods and services produced. Southern California, especially the Imperial Valley, is also able to provide vegetable crops during the winter season, when competition is minimal and sale prices are at a maximum. Some historians note that the trend of urban/hinterland relations centralized economic power in cities after 1890.66 Even though San Diego’s largest industry was agriculture, boosters created powerful, and sometimes erroneous, ideologies about social life, climate, and environment that contributed to their promotion of a distinct political economy in Southern California. The few farmers that come to the market from more southern portions of our state add much diversity to the offerings here. Mark Watson hinted that the model farm’s distance from the city was “the best single answer to the question of ‘how to keep the girl on the farm.’ It proves there is nothing about the farm to make impossible the comforts of modern home economy.”29 Additionally, the depiction of rural living at the Exposition offered the farm husband and his wife hope that they could participate in the modern consumer economy. As a city leader who advocated progress, he boldly asserted that an Exposition could help “build up San Diego and adjoining territory.”1 G. Aubrey Davidson, President of the Exposition, conveyed the optimism of ambitious San Diego businessmen, proclaiming that the Exposition was Sign-up for our e-newsletter: California is also the leading manufacturer of cotton cloth and the largest producer of boron, sodium compounds and gypsum in the country. In Smythe’s mind, small landholdings should, Be available for the multitude possessing only small means. Even though the agricultural methods of the Anglos benefitted from the age of mechanization, boosters still invoked the Mexican era in California, which lasted from 1821 to 1848, as the yardstick with which to measure their progress. Hall, writing for Sunset Magazine, indicated that the “care of cotton does not require skilled labor, and as to the harvesting it is often true that a small child can pick more of the white crowns in a day than a grown man.”57 Racial thought among Anglo Americans throughout California in the 1910s generally defined racial minorities as part of the laboring classes. This is a fertile area that extends 500 miles from the northwest to the southeast. The figure was 8.6% for the San Joaquin Valley region, composed of a dozen counties in the agricultural Central Valley and rural areas of the Sierra Nevada. The figure was 8.6% for the San Joaquin Valley region, composed of a dozen counties in the agricultural Central Valley and rural areas of the Sierra Nevada. 58. San Diego: A Californian City, American Guide Series, San Diego Federal Writers’ Project, WPA, (San Diego: San Diego History Center, 1937), 49-50, 917.94 WPA, (SDHC). They also keep sheep, cattle, and poultry. Laut, “San Diego: First Port of Call,” 118. Down along the Alameda, the model farm covered “six acres, the demonstration field three acres, the citrus grove five acres, the formal gardens and buildings two acres” for a total of sixteen acres.24 With adjoining acres set aside for vegetables, the working farm was “designed to give a practical demonstration of what can be done on a ranch or farm in Southern California.”25 It was difficult, however, to discern whether the model farm was a progressive experiment intended to rationalize intensive-farming, or if it was a developer-led scheme (suburbanization) intended to promote the small agricultural communities in San Diego and Imperial Counties. High humidity along the coast is also great for mushroom cultivation. Carl Abbott, “The American West and Three Urban Revolutions,” ed. 10. The Santa Clara Valley runs south-southeast from the southern end of San Francisco Bay in Northern California in the United States. Kevin Starr, Material Dreams: Southern California Through the 1920s, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990), 30- 31. Financiers in California have been imaginative in seeking and employing capital, and many of the country’s largest banks and corporations are based in the state. William Ellsworth Smythe, “The Social Revolution of the Soil,” 19. Summer quoted in “Exposition Shows Possibilities of Farming.”. With millions of acres of farmland, California leads the U.S. in agricultural production. One must note that the organization of The Ecology of Fear is Davis’ debt to Carey McWilliams’ Southern California Country. Summer quoted in “Exposition Shows Possibilities of Farming,” San Diego Union, 27 January 1915. The Harvester Company expects big things of the display here, the largest it has made.”35 The International Harvester exhibit even impressed the agricultural technicians. 18. Lettuce was not deemed a priority crop by the U.S. government, which encouraged farmers to grow crops like beans and sugar that would endure export to soldiers abroad. Panama-California Exposition, 1915, Prospectus, 266. 41. It should be noted that the Prospectus has no legitimately recognized author. Aridity signalled the need for irrigation, and irrigation brought a systematic and predictable aspect to the production of agricultural goods. The entire text of William Ellsworth Smythe’s The Conquest of Arid America is now available in digitized form from the American Memories website of the Library of Congress. The Valley produces over half of the vegetables, fruits, and nuts in the United States. This research aims at assessing the limited water resources for better crop-water irrigation and conservation of a drought affected agricultural area in California. To west coast-bound settlers who looked for opportunities outside of the industrial Northeast and Midwest, the agrarian ideal found its summation in the “olive orchard – a gold mine that never plays out – the trees bearing for centuries.”45. PERCENTAGE OF SURFACE AREA COVERED BY WATER: 4.7%. The figure was 14.1% for the San Joaquin Valley region, composed of a dozen counties in the agricultural Central Valley and rural areas of the Sierra Nevada. Booster rhetoric not only aided capital formation, but convinced hundreds of thousands of Americans and immigrants to pull up their roots, move, and try to live the California Dream in the “Land of Sunshine.” Without the veneer of “temperate,” “America’s Mediterranean,” and “fertile and rich,” it is doubtful that boosters would have been able to attract immense numbers of Eastern and Midwestern Americans to what was once a vast and non-arable desert. by Summer Furzer | Apr 1, 1999 | | 0 comments, The Journal of San Diego History As boosters pushed agriculture as a political-economic enterprise they also peppered their economic dreams with visions of the unique cultural lifestyle that arose from the land itself. California's two most densely inhabited regions and its agricultural breadbasket will be under stay-at-home orders by Sunday night as the COVID-19 … Laut, “San Diego: First Port of Call,” 111. 1. Robbins’ theory of urban/rural interdependence is sound, when one analyzes larger and established cities with diversified economies of scale, but what about 20th century modern “boom” towns like San Diego, practically invented within 20 years? 15. Agriculture is a significant sector in California's economy, producing nearly $50 billion in revenue in 2018. 46. Imperial Valley Program, “Imperial, the Oldest City in the Valley,” np. Imperial Valley Program, “El Centro, the County Seat,” 10 June 1916, Box 18, Ephemera Collection, (SDHC). Among them, Hunter Orchards, from Siskiyou county, brings lavender, late cherries and Rocambole garlic. The most ambitious agricultural reformer in the region was William Ellsworth Smythe. 5. The agricultural participators promoted three visions that were at once industrial, and suburban and middle class; the third vision a combination of the model-rural community and the inner-city suburb. Known as the Coast Ranges, they were created by seafloor folding from the lateral movement of the North American and Pacific plates (along the San Andreas Fault) and their existence dramatically affects the soil, climate and thus agricultural potential in this region. Be in accord with the highest ideals of American democracy.21, One of the first utopian agricultural communities modeled after Smythe’s ideas began at San Diego’s border with Mexico, in the town of San Ysidro. CUESA (Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture) is dedicated to growing thriving communities through the power and joy of local food. Boosters indicated that they could equally participate in the modernization and modernity of the times. 39. The figure was 8.6% for the San Joaquin Valley region, composed of a dozen counties in the agricultural Central Valley and rural areas of the Sierra Nevada. With a vibrant, yet ironic, streak of anti-urbanism, he believed that the Little Landers at San Ysidro enjoyed the advantages of close proximity to the city, for “to deny the people who are to till the land in the future the advantages of the city – social, educational, and commercial – is to deprive them of the best advantages of our civilization.”23, San Diego’s Hinterlands and the Three “Wests”, The Seven Southern Counties Pavilion prominently displayed the idea of the agricultural utopia with a demonstration field of an intensive citrus farm, complete with a model bungalow. There must be a new life of the land.”17, Smythe’s thoughts on land tenure in smaller, but profitable, tracts signalled a general qualitative change in cultivation methods. The nature of its design, simplicity, and inexpensive construction cost reflected the egalitarian and mechanized aims of agricultural reform, for the bungalow was also the product of innovations in mass production as well. AREA: 18,000 square miles (47,000 km2). As small farms failed and landholders sold off their excess acreage, subsequent developers planned and built large suburban communities on rural lands that were in close proximity to urban San Diego, namely the areas of Mission Valley, Clairemont, and Grossmont.54 As the citrus orchards were plowed under by developers, tract homes grew up in their place, creating a developmental template for years to come in Southern California. Spring 1999, Volume 45, Number 2 Mediterranean agriculture is that type found in the areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea which have mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers, and also in those areas elsewhere with a similar climate – central and southern California, central Chile, the south west of Cape Province, the south west of Western Australia and the southern part of South Australia. 1-888-334-CalTIP (888-334-2258) A Confidential Secret Witness Program . Known as the “Little Landers” colony, this cooperative agricultural community founded itself upon Smythe’s principles of cooperative irrigation farming and shared community life. 13. Panama-California Exposition, 1915, Prospectus, reference collection 712.5, 756, (SDHC). Over a third of the country's vegetables and two-thirds of the country's fruits and nuts are grown in California. Potatoes were farmed in the region until the 1853, when a glut of the tubers led a good deal of the land to be planted with wheat, the excesses of which could be exported to South America and China. Agriculture is a significant sector in California's economy, producing nearly $50 billion in revenue in 2018. 619-232-6203, Located in Presidio Park Occupying a central position in California, it is bounded by the Cascade Range to the north, the Sierra Nevada to the east, the Tehachapi Mountains to the south, and the Coast Ranges and San Francisco Bay to the west. 15) Similarly, what is the name of the agricultural region in the southern tip of California… The San Diego region’s small-farm agricultural belt underwent mechanization in the fields as well. Together the two regions are home to more than half of California’s population of 40 million. Drought is one of the most severe natural hazards in the world. The water supplies of Southern California, those of the Owens Valley and the Colorado River, were brought to the areas where agricultural boosters planned to attract small farmers and settlers. Almaguer notes that the racialization process varied from ethnic group to ethnic group, depending on class and gender. Pittsburgh-Lake Erie Region 4. Bakersfield, which is one of several population centers in the Valley, produces about 10 percent of the nation’s oil. Agricultural boosters created a popular metaphor that suited the transformation of the Valley from hard-baked clay to cantaloupe and cotton fields: Egypt’s Nile brings down the fruitful sediment of the highlands to spread it over a desert incapable of yielding even a spear of grass. The urbanization of Southern Californian cities and agricultural boosterism spurred reclamation projects that exploited water resources so that Southern California, the Great Imperial Valley, and “what was once the Arizona Desert”, enjoys a supply of pure fresh water adequate to all the needs of the hundreds of thousands of people who have made this garden land their permanent homes.40, Due to the abundance of water and the temperate climate, one commentator asserted that “we [California] have the things in superabundance and at a time of the year which no other section [of the country] possesses.”41 In order to prove the optimal cultivation of agricultural commodities in the county, San Diego boosters produced a portrait of the viability of small farming, soil fertility, and overall production. 25. (ii) Historical . On one hand, the promotion of small intensive farming left the middle-class farmer at a great economic disadvantage, even when agricultural commodity prices were high during the 1910s. At the heart of the Great Depression, during California’s worst recorded drought, farms were … The revered five to forty acre farm actually was a thinly veiled and nascent form of the Southern Californian suburb. 36. In 1850 California became the 31st state, and is now the third largest state behind Alaska and Texas. Also from Siskiyou county comes Prather Ranch beef. Occupying a central position in California, it is bounded by the Cascade Range to the north, the Sierra Nevada to the east, the Tehachapi Mountains to the south, and the Coast Ranges and San Francisco Bay to the west. The regions we’ve described are not the typical groupings, but serve well for our purposes. Southern Appalachian Region 7. Donald Worster, Rivers of Empire: Water, Aridity, and the Growth of the American West, (New York: Pantheon, 1985), 20. In the coming weeks, the CUESA E-letter will feature a four-part series about the food-producing areas from which the cornucopia of goods sold at the market are drawn. G.A. Much of the land once devoted to orchard fruits, wheat, and sugar beets has now been planted with more lucrative crops with longer harvest seasons, or developed for urban uses. Farmland two hours north and east of Denver, outside Fort Collins and its hinterlands!, is experiencing this increase in value due to expanding suburbanization; desirable less as potential farmland than for its residential development value. Vaught, “Factories in the Field Revisited,” 164-167, 178-184. Notably, Davis appeals to the impact of development on the natural world, arguing that the promotion of unregulated regional growth in Southern California will not be supported by the environment itself. Summer, president of the Montana Seed Growers Association, believed that the “horticultural work is a sermon in itself for the visitor can see that at one time the whole park was sage and chaparral.”36 Yet for Summer, the “big lessons” were “serious lessons.” It was a strange occurrence for International Harvester and an agricultural cooperative to support plans for small-scale land tenure schemes such as the back-to-the-land movement, yet Summer believed that the “agricultural demonstration goes further, and the importance of the model-intensive farm in particular cannot be over-emphasized.”37, Despite the agricultural “golden era” in the West between 1900 and 1920, the trend of production and land tenure in the Western agribusiness sector moved towards increased acreage held in fewer hands.38 Furthermore, as agribusiness became increasingly mechanized, the capital costs of farm machinery and international market prices for agricultural commodities made such purchases prohibitive for small farmers. In: Siebert, J. Modern technology allowed the farm family to “see labor decreased in the meadow, in the barn, in the dairy.” “And, what is quite as important,” stated one booster, “wives will see labor decreased in the kitchen, the laundry, and the sewing room.”31Putting the land and the home under “production,” in the widest sense, the wife “will discover that the same god of machinery” that helped her husband on his small cultivated plots would allow her to discover, that the farmhouse can have all the improvements of the city apartment, and that there is no reason why she should not have a little time away from her work to trail flowers over the front porch – or chat with her neighbor down the street.32. 2. It's positioned as the agricultural powerhouse of the United States. Lee, “The Little Landers Colony of San Ysidro,” 36. This week’s article covers the Great Central Valley. Mediterranean agriculture is that type found in the areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea which have mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers, and also in those areas elsewhere with a similar climate – central and southern California, central Chile, the south west of Cape Province, the south west of Western Australia and the southern part of South Australia. Project in Watsonville for their help with this article the fields as well Tue & Thu.! Fruits that can not withstand temperatures below the high 20s steadily dropped hospitals! So happy facets of the agricultural powerhouse of the COVID-19 virus at Temple University for helpful readings earlier... Miles Orvell of Temple University for helpful readings of earlier drafts of this project in! For over 13 percent of the Central Valley covers a vast and fertile agricultural region in the world to agricultural! 5 November 1914 flooded by unprecedented numbers of COVID-19 patients collection 712.5, 756, ( Los Angeles: &... 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